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Why choose East International University

1) We maintain a roster of highly qualified faculty members who are recognized in their respective specializations, making our students the most competent, innovative and effective graduates as they receive valuable preparation for the employment market.

2) East International University is currently implementing a very rigid quality assurance philosophy that dictates course development and programs as we are also progressing towards getting a European accreditation.

3) Within five years, we have fostered an accepting environment facilitating the exchange of free speech on campus that balances the expression rights, freedom of thought and critical thinking which helps students earn a purposeful leadership, and a civic mindset.

4) East International University was among the first higher education institutions in the country to provide a merit scholarship to all its entering students. We established a Merit Scholarship Program that enables the University to award full-tuition scholarships to deserving new undergraduate applicants.
Azm University offered significant financial aid to entering students in 2020, covering, on average, 75% of their tuition for their entire course of study, until graduation.

5) East International University has established itself as a leading institution in the North of the country. Despite the dire economic conditions, the larger number of our graduates have been able to move forward, either by obtaining meaningful employment or by securing scholarships to continue their studies locally or abroad. Recent alumni have obtained scholarships to pursue master’s degrees in the United States, Spain, Turkey and Qatar.
Our intent is to seek out outstanding students – outstanding in that they have talent, ambition, or a genuine desire to discover – and provide them with the opportunity to grow and thrive.
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