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University Required Courses

General University Course Requirements

The General Education requirements are intended to expose students to a range of intellectual experiences during their stay at the University.
In addition to required courses in academic majors and possible concentrations in specific fields, all students must satisfy the General Education requirements by taking a minimum of 15 credits.

Mandatory Courses

All University students are required to take the following courses:
001 ENGL -English (2 Cr.)
In this course, students develop academic writing skills. Students use the writing process to construct an effective essay with an emphasis on constancy and correctness in written communication. Grammar exercises focus on verb tense and form, and pronoun case. Students complete exercises covering topic sentences, paragraph development, citations, and formatting guidelines. Students focus on gathering research, evaluating and documenting sources, and developing a major research paper. Selected readings prompt discussion regarding bias, arguments, and counter arguments. The expectation is that students will come to understand writing as a process of discovery. During course, students will be offered both written and verbal feedback to guide the process of revision
004 ARAB- Arabic (2 Cr.)
This course includes the basic fundamental elements of the modern standard Arabic language within the cultural context of Arabic-speaking people. Emphasis is placed on the progressive development of listening, reading, writing, pronunciation, development of additional skills in conversation and aural comprehension of modern standard Arabic; grammar and vocabulary building; basic vocabulary. Upon completion, students should be able to comprehend and respond with increasing proficiency to spoken and written Arabic and demonstrate further cultural awareness.
003 LAW- Human Rights (2 Cr.)
This survey course examines the law, theory, and practice of human rights with a special focus on international human rights. Topics will include the history of human rights and its categorization after World War II; the role of regular international law in protecting human rights; the basic international and regional human rights instruments; connections and tensions between civil, political, social and economic rights; the status of human rights law in the Arab Countries and the relationship between the Arab Countries and the global human rights regime; and theories of cultural contingency and other academic critiques of the human rights movement. On the practical side, students will be introduced to the most important mechanisms as well as challenges to the realization and promotion of human rights.
002 ENVI- Understanding Our Environment (2 Cr.)
This course focuses on the causes of, impacts of, and solutions to global environmental issues. The course examines the environmental impact of population growth on natural resources; mineral and resource extraction; water resource use and water pollution; air pollution and climate change; and sustainable energy supplies. Students will learn how physical, biological and chemical pollutants affect the environment and, in turn, human health. Students will introduce to real-life on-going environmental problems in Lebanon to provide an opportunity to deal with some of the most active questions in current environmental practice and gain experience in environmental negotiations and enforcement situations.

Elective Courses

All University students are also required to select general university electives from the following, in accordance to their major’s degree plan:
005 BUSS- Negotiation Skills (2 Cr.)
This course provides a set of generic negotiation skills, based on the best available research, which are internationally applicable and are useful for a wide range of negotiating situations. A principal focus of the course to provide frameworks for building strategies for effective negotiations and explores the nature of conflict and conflict resolution. Sessions will entail building personal negotiation strategies, identifying one’s sources of negotiating power and simulations to address varying contexts of negotiating. Examples range from buying and selling a used car, to salary bargaining, to many-faceted environmental, business and community-based negotiation situations.
006 BUSS- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2 Cr.)
This course provides students with a framework to identify innovate and create new business ventures as independent start-ups or within existing commercial, government, social or voluntary organizations. The course covers a broad range of topics, including new ventures in life, growth of ventures, collaboration for innovation, marketing new products, intellectual property, finance, university-industry interaction, innovation policy. It also examines markets, competitors and customers within the context of the entrepreneurial process that consists of creativity, calculated risk-taking and strategic planning in increasingly complex industrial, competitive and environments. Students will get to think and act in a creative manner, obtain exposure to local entrepreneurs, assess their potential for entrepreneurial careers and develop attitudes and skills that will be useful in any organization.
007 BUSS- Ethics and Values (2 Cr.)
This course looks at the questions of scientific ethics and our associated values, questions what is right and wrong in science, social work theory, research, policy, and practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities and, importantly, how we go about establishing such judgments. The course is to demonstrate how individual values not only drive ethical behavior but also ethical decisions. Finally, the centerpiece of the course will examine ethics against a backdrop of two themes: equity and choice.
008 STAT- Introduction to Statistics (2 Cr.)
The course provides an introduction to statistical methodology and supplies a number of statistical techniques important for practical data analysis. The principles of collecting, correlation and regression; sampling and experimental design; basic probability (random variables, expected values, normal and binomial distributions); hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for means, proportions, and regression parameters; use of spreadsheet software and interpreting data are covered. It examines the role of statistical analysis, statistical terminology, the appropriate use of statistical techniques and interpretation of statistical findings through applications and functions of statistical methods.
009 BUSS- Introduction to Project Management (2 Cr.)
This course provides a brief overview of, and practice in, some of the key skills and knowledge required to be an effective project manager; it blends your capability from your area of study with Cross Knowledge's e-learning modules in project management, covering: objectives of the project (scope, schedule, and cost), project roles and responsibilities; stakeholders needs and expectations; how to launch, control and close projects; project teams and project risks; it can help new graduates to contribute to projects more effectively.
010 BUSS- Introduction to Risk and Crisis Communication (2 Cr.)
This course introduces students to the principles of organizational risk and crisis communication. At the beginning of the course, general political, social, cultural, environmental, natural hazards and scientific context is provided in order to release various situations that can cause risks or crisis in the organization harming its goals, reputation and level of trust. The course equip the students with the skills necessary to identify and manage issues facing an organization, build a crisis response plan and team, and effectively manage communication during a crisis event. Students in this course recognize significance of strategic organizational communication, learns to identify different stages of crisis and apply certain management tools for each stage, they also design strategies for crisis management and for effective risk and crisis communication
011 BUSS- Principles of Accounting (2 Cr.)
This course focuses on those who want to go into business and they haven't done any accountancy. Students will learn basic concepts and principles of accounting. Students gain a basic understanding of double entry bookkeeping and how to read, prepare and interpret financial statements. Also get an understanding of how managerial accounting information can be used to support managerial decision-making and organizational control. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of accounting principles and apply those skills to a business organization.
012 BUSS- Principles of Business (2 Cr.)
This course provides recent developments in linking business practices and human rights; including corporate social responsibility (CSR) within the international organisations, and focusses on the efforts in making human rights an important normative framework for the conduct of business in different social and political frameworks. Also, offers arguments in favour of and against extending human rights to the corporate sector, and discusses legal developments, including normative and helpful mechanisms. The course examines strengths and weaknesses of the CSR movement and the scope for making human rights regulatory measures for corporate behaviour. Students will study practical cases of CSR of certain companies in a variety of environments.
013 BUSS- Principles of Financial Planning (2 Cr.)
This course allows student to learn about the value of saving, budgeting and investing so that students can take control of money and get the most out of it. Topics include the financial planning process, money management and investments, insurance needs, and withdrawal planning. Cases are used to illustrate important planning concepts, techniques and issues. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare financial statements, understand the role of financial information in decision-making and address ethical considerations.
014 BUSS- Principles of Marketing (2 Cr.)
This course provides a general knowledge of marketing emphasizing marketing mix elements and target markets for consumer and industrial products, marketing strategies, customer behavior, market planning and promotion. Upon completion, students should be able to understand both the product and marketing lifecycle including professional roles and responsibilities within that lifecycle to guide marketing career selection and to correctly identify key stakeholders in the business workplace.
015 BUSS- Principles of Management (2 Cr.)
In this course the nature of the management process is explored through appropriate concepts such as planning, organizing, leading, controlling, evolution and models related to the study of formal and informal organizations. Systems analysis will integrate the various dimensions of management, organizational structure and functions of managers, growth, and re-engineering of business. Students will understand the interactions between the environment, technology, human resources, and organizations in order to achieve high performance. Also be aware of the ethical dilemmas faced by managers and the social responsibilities of businesses.
016 ARCH- Architectural History (2 Cr.)
This course provides a global overview of the history of architecture from antiquity to the present, emphasizing the Islamic tradition. The course works both chronologically as a history of phases and styles, and methodologically, examining the contextual issues that give each period a distinctive architecture. Students learn how to understand and interpret buildings, monuments and urban zones. The course considers architecture's relationships with culture, society, institutions, economy, knowledge, science and technology, art, design, landscape and cities. The intent is not to develop an historical or art historical argument, but rather to provide insight into the formal structure and technological challenges of the built environment.
017 ARCH- Introduction to drawing (2 Cr.)
Student will explore the drawing as an art form for those with some or no experience. In this course students learn the basics of line, contour, shading, texture, perspective, composition, and action drawing. Students will be given the opportunity to briefly explore many of the traditional materials of drawing, including pencil, charcoal, ink and ink wash, pastel, as well as experimental tools. As well, slide presentations and studio to facilitate a greater awareness of the cultural context in which drawing functions. Students will create several original works of art and compile a portfolio of their artwork.
018 ARCH- Color and Painting (2 Cr.)
Color plays an important role in our lives, and everyone interacts with it on a daily basis. Color conveys visual information, and can affect us physically as well as psychologically. Understand more about color, color theory, composition, and how you can use it, experiment and explore in an informal studio environment with students from a variety of disciplines. Also, this course aims to extend students painting skills, idea generation and cultivating originality, painting movements, develop their art and critical practices, broaden their understanding and abilities to make and discuss art. By the end of this course, students will present their painting portfolio.
019 ARCH- Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (2 Cr.)
This course develops an understanding of the fundamental concepts of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the potential, functions, and applications of GIS systems. The main purpose of the course is to introduce students to the current GIS technology, to provide them with a general overview, and to teach them desktop oriented applications of GIS. Primary objective is to investigate interactive GIS application rather than develop expert users. Laboratory classes are based on ArcView and MapInfo.
020 ARCH- Introduction to Photography (2 Cr.)
This course is designed for students who may have very little or no experience with photography. The course will provide students with a basic understanding of the essential principles and practices of the photography. Students will focus on digital imaging techniques and the use of photography as a fine art and visual language. Students will be informed in the basic principles of photography to ensure a confident foundation for further development and experimentation within the practice of photography as it relates to their own area of study. Field trips may be required.
021 MDIA- Introduction to Music (2 Cr.)
This course is design for students with little or no background in music who would like to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of how music works. Students will be introduced to different kinds of musical notation, melodic systems, harmonies, meters, and rhythmic techniques with the goal of attaining basic competence in the performance and creation of music. Students will also learn to approach music as both an intellectual and an emotional activity; they will learn about music’s historical, sociological, cultural, and biographical contexts; and they will gain knowledge of the many traditions of music.
022 PSYC- Psychology of Well-being (2 Cr.)
This course include: an introduction to the major theories, concepts, and applications of psychological topics, including neuropsychology, sensation and perception, human development, learning and memory, social, personality, and psychological disorders and therapy. Throughout the course, an emphasis is placed on understanding the link between theory and real-world application of psychological principles. The course provide students with a basic understanding of the psychological principles involved in well-being and how impacts on attaining positive outcomes. Drawing on theories from positive psychology, this course seeks to assist students to understand human happiness and well-being.
023PHIL- Introductory Philosophy (2 Cr.)
This course offers an intensive introduction to philosophical problems and methodologies as developed by major figures in the history of philosophy. This course includes: the major philosophical areas of inquiry; how philosophy and culture interact in the development of thought; the principal issues of epistemology; the principal issues of metaphysics; the key contributors to the fields of moral, social, and political philosophy; how global integration of cultures has affected contemporary philosophical thinking. The course also discusses the application of philosophical methods to problem solving, decision-making, ethical thought, and strategic thinking.
024 SOCI- Women's liberation: Social and Cultural Diversity (2 Cr.)
This course examines the ways that women playing an important role in Arabic society through history, the issues that are relevant to their struggle to find a balance between work and family since women's liberation has made more choices possible for Arabic women. What impact does women's liberation have on their lives? This course will expand our understanding of how Arabic society shapes identities through social institutions like the family, work, the law, education, and health care. Also, examines the interpersonal, economic, social, cultural, and legal aspects of marriage past and present, primarily in Arab Countries. . Students will utilize relevant empirical material to develop critical thinking and an understanding of gender inequalities in the "development process." and interdisciplinary assessment of male violence against women locally and globally.
025 LAW- Introduction to Politics (2 Cr.)
In this course students explore topics such as democracy, political ideologies and political culture, it asks where our political values, and ideas. The course also develops a strong link between the theory and practice of politics, and helps students better understand the world by strengthening their capacity for critical thinking and undertaking research. Overall, this course provides students with useful tools for the exploration and discussion of political problems. Theoretical concepts and their application are examined.
026 LAW- Introduction to Criminology and Justice (2 Cr.)
This course introduces students to criminology and criminal justice. It begins with an examination of the nature of crime, and the ways in which it is defined and explained. First explores the question: what is crime? Psychological and sociological theories of crime and criminality are introduced. Second explores the dimensions of crime, particularly the relationship between crime and social class, the links between youth and crime and youth and the criminal justice response, and the relationship between gender and crime. The course concludes with an exploration of the criminal justice system as a response to crime.
027 SOCI- Scientific Revolutions, Technology, and Society (2 Cr.)
Study of the different episodes in the history of science will explore the boundaries between the sciences as autonomous disciplines and the historical circumstances in which they have developed. This course covers such topics: the history of science revolution; the nature of scientific research and the application of sciences, big science vs. little science; the limits of scientific and technical knowledge; the political and economic power of science and technology; effects on individual and social ways of life; the rise of technical industry and mass media; the relations between science; technology; and religion; and ethics in science and technology.
028 ENVI- Life and Universe (2 Cr.)
Course provides students with: The origins of science and its conflicts with beliefs. The universe: planets, stars, and galaxies, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence; the properties of the sun, earth, moon, planets, meteors and comets; the origin and evolution of the solar system; life in the universe; recent results from space missions and ground-based telescopes. Students will learn about scientists' ongoing quest for answers to some of the most fundamental human questions: How did life originate on Earth? Is there life on other worlds? Are we alone in the universe? What is the long-term future of life in the universe?
029 ENVI- Natural Hazards (2 Cr.)
A natural hazard is a threat of a naturally occurring event will have a negative effect on humans. This negative effect is what we call a natural disaster. In this course we will try to answer some of the questions for each possible natural hazard are: where is each type of hazard likely to be present and why ? what scientific principles govern the processes responsible for the hazard? how often do these hazards develop into disasters ? how can each type of hazard/disaster be predicted and/or mitigated?.
030 ENVI- Marine Environment (2 Cr.)
This course covers aspects of both the physical and biological environments of the Mediterranean Sea and their inter-relationships. Marine Environment is designed to provide students with an introduction to some of the most important marine ecosystems (coral reefs, beaches, rocky reefs), species (corals, fish, marine mammals), and current conservation, climate change, invasive species, pollution and their solutions. Lectures highlight major points to aspects of human impacts on the marine environments, marine productivity, fisheries and the effects of development, especially industrial development on the marine environment and how science can contribute to providing solutions to these problems. Field visits by students to observe marine ecosystems along Lebanese coast and record their observations.
031 SOCI- First Aid (2 Cr.)
The purpose of this course is to handle various impact injuries that may arise at home, work or play and to help Students identify and eliminate potentially hazardous conditions in their environment, recognize emergencies and make appropriate decisions for first aid care. This class provides the students with knowledge and skills required to recognize and treat. Students will also learn first aid for wounds such as cuts, scrapes, bruises, infection, impaled object, amputation, eye injury, and nosebleed. Also covered is proper burn care for minor and major burns caused by heat, chemical, electrical and by the sun. Participants will also learn how to provide first aid for a bone, muscle or joint injury.
032 NUTR- Principles of Nutrition (2 Cr.)
This course provides an overview of the right to suitable food in the context of the promotion and protection of the international human rights. The course introduces students to basic nutrition concepts for health and fitness. Also, emphasizes current dietary recommendations for maximizing well-being and minimizing risk of chronic disease. Includes unique nutrition needs for selected stages of the lifecycle, methods for evaluating creditability of nutrition claims, basic elements of food safety, diet for exercise and sports, and personal dietary evaluation techniques. Specific topics will focuses on economic, social and cultural rights of importance to food security and nutritional.
033 SOCI- Disease and Society (2 Cr.)
This interdisciplinary course provides an introduction to the historical interactions between disease and human society from the Middle Ages to the Present. Attention will be paid to the historical role of epidemic disease in the transformation of human societies on a global scale and the emergence of new diseases. In this course students will explore how continuously changing technology, ecological conditions, and social practices have impacted the spread of infection. The course will examine the role of our public health institutions in disease control and prevention, including vaccination efforts. Additionally, students will study contemporary issues such as the rise in autoimmunity and antibiotic resistance
034 SPOR- Volleyball Sport (2 Cr.)
This course has been designed to give students an introduction into the dynamic game of Volleyball. Volleyball is a sport, which develops an individual's eye/hand coordination to the highest level possible. The fundamental skills, strategies, and rules of Volleyball, along with game play, will be integrated throughout the course. The tremendous amount of footwork and body movement required to execute a shot in Volleyball develops a high fitness level. Volleyball is a great lifetime activity. Students will be subjective evaluated by skill level and game performance.
035 SPOR- Basketball Sport (2 Cr.)
This class designed to students has some basketball playing experience as well as fundamental knowledge of the game. The course will demonstrate the understanding of the rules and terminology of the game, demonstrate the fundamental skills of basketball such as shooting, passing, and ball handling in drills, game play and skill assessments, provide knowledge of game strategies, and appropriately apply strategies in game situations, and show sport and fitness-related skills and apply the use of the skills in lifetime activity in the promotion of health and wellness. Students will be subjective evaluated by skill level and game performance.
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