As part of its mission to encourage and enable students to become entrepreneurs and to promote an entrepreneurship culture in the community, the Azm University Entrepreneurship Center #AzmEC organized an interactive #entrepreneurship talk on: Creating Your Company.... Dream or Reality, by Dr. Fouad Zmokhol, president of the Association of Lebanese Business People in the World (RDCL World). The talk proved inspiring and motivational to the audience of faculty members, business people, entrepreneurs, and students.
Dr. Zmokhol explained what, from his perspective, is entrepreneurship, outlining what he called the 4Ps of success, Perception, Passion, Patience, and Perseverance, offering his views on how and when some entrepreneurs fail, and how entrepreneurs move from dream to reality and create their startup companies, especially in time of crises when they see opportunities while other see problems. Dr. Zmokhol also shared with the audience some actual success stories from Lebanese entrepreneurs as well as from his own entrepreneurial journey. The talk was followed by a dynamic discussion with the audience.
As a token of appreciation for his extremely valuable contribution to the success of this event , Dr. Zmokhol was presented a trophy by Dr. Abdul-Ilah Mikati, chairman of the Board of Trustees of Azm University and by Dr. Ramez Maluf, president of the university.