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Distinguished Journalist Sami Kleib at Azm University

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As part of its continuous education program (CEP), Azm University organized a lecture hosting the distinguished journalist Dr. Sami Kleib. The lecture titled “The Journey of a Journalist” was held in the University campus with the participation of university students, university staff, as well as instructors and members of the community.

Ms. Myriam Chaghoury, a recent Media graduate, started the session with a welcoming speech and short introduction to Dr. Kleib’s professional career.

The much-respected journalist recounted his experiences, his decision to study journalism, first in Lebanon then in France, his encounters with some of the Arab World's most important leaders, and the lessons he has drawn from his coverage of the most significant events of the last decades.

Kleib stated that one of the ongoing concerns of veteran journalist is that aspiring journalists frequently write you and ask for advice: What would you say to a young journalist starting out?

His answer was the following: “It’s not difficult to make a living as a journalist, do not wait for luck to knock on your door, go after your dreams and work hard to achieve success.”

Kleib told the audience that If he had the chance to restart his career, he would still choose to become a journalist.

Aspiring journalists, he told the audience, need to keep up with current affairs, staying up to date, doing the research, being prepared and, when interviewing someone, trying to find out everything about that person.

The meeting was remarkable for the interaction between the speaker and the participants who asked many questions relevant to the concerns of students about politics and the field of journalism, in addition to their future career paths.

All the revenues of this lecture will be directed toward supporting the University scholarship fund.
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